For more information contact:
Bern Case, Airport Director
Kim Stearns, PIO
(541) 776-7222
Rogue Valley International-Medford First Oregon Airport to Host Zeppelin Visit
MEDFORD, OR – August 11, 2010 – The Rogue Valley International - Medford Airport
(MFR) will be the first touch-down spot in the State of Oregon for the Farmers Airship, Zeppelin which is on a five-city tour of the Pacific Northwest.
This will be the first visit from the Zepplin,Eureka, in the region. The Airship will be landing at the airport during the morning of August 14, 2010, and will remain for several days offering rides to passengers through August 17, 2010.
Owned and operated by Airship Ventures, individuals will have the extraordinary opportunity to book passage and sail over the Rogue River Valley, on the largest airship to touch down in Medford’s aviation history. “We believe this will be the largest aircraft per cubic foot to land at the airport,” stated Bern
Case, Airport Director. “We had to go out and mark off the perimeter just to make sure there would be enough room for the ship to fit!”
Tethered to a single mast, the Zeppelin will be a sight to behold. The aircraft will be moored at the end of runway nine (9) near Biddle Road. Medford Air Service will be the fixed base operator involved with the event. Would be passengers must book
tickets by calling 1-650-969-8100, ext. 111. Press rides will be available, but must be arranged in advance through that number.
The overall size of the aircraft is impressive at 246 feet in length. It bypasses a Boeing 747 by 50 feet. Not to be confused with a blimp, zeppelins (named after the inventor German Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin), are rich in history, and were built using metal frames, enabling the airships to maneuver over longer distances. They were used strategically in the 1920’s as both transport craft and aerial scouts during World War 1.
This Zeppelin Airship serves a much friendlier purpose. Flown with the Farmers® Insurance logo, the Zeppelin, Eureka, will be providing rides to passengers throughout its Pacific Northwest tour. Additional information can be found at www.airshipventures.com/tracking.