Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Chick Music kicks off Valentine's Day weekend with an incredible lineup of female talent from Siskyou County, along with our featured folk/rock singer/songwriter Tiina Flank from Thunder Bay, Ontario Canada. Tiina will also be featured on Sunday, February 14th at the Stage Door for a romantic Valentine's Day dinner and music event.

The cast is ever-expanding, at this point including local singers Genny Axtman of the popular local group Rockit, Dana Knight, Kelly Short, Ali Andreas, Paula Reynolds, and Ana Holub. Also featured will be the Mt. Shasta Women's Drum Circle, and the Mountain Gypsies bellydance troupe.

Accompanists and music partners will include Gerry Smida, Ryan Marchand, Chris Prim, Doug York, Jak Anderson, Mike Gregory, and other talented local musicians, including a special guest appearance by the director of the College of the Siskiyous theater department, Tom Murdock - who is also an accomplished drummer.

The goal is to raise funds to purchase a special drum for little ones participating in the Music And Movement For Toddlers program. Enjoying live music by local musicians including our own Gerry Smida (playing accordion), children learn singing on pitch, call and response, and the use of rhythm instruments.

Classes are held Fridays at 10 am at the Mt. Shasta Community Resource Center. The cost is $10 per class. Some scholarships are available. For more information contact Pam Newman 530-859-2309.

Please be sure to become a Facebook Fan of the Siskiyou Arts Council to stay informed of upcoming events. Also visit www.siskiyouartscouncil.org. If you can't make the concert, you can still donate directly to the Siskiyou Arts Council.

Your donation will be much appreciated by the community for years to come as these children grow into great musicians.

$10 donation at the door. Student and group discounts available, and free tickets are available as everyone in the community should be able to attend. For more information on group pricing and tickets call 530-925-2770.

This is a family-friendly event!

Reminder: following the benefit on Saturday the 13th will be a romantic dinner event at the Stage Door on Sunday, February 14th featuring Tiina Flank performing beautiful songs with London based singer, songwriter and guitarist Tobacco Brown.


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