Thursday, April 9, 2009

After Hours Veterinary Care in Siskiyou County

Our next meeting is Wednesday April 15 at 9am in the Black Bear Diner in Mt. Shasta and given the responses I'm getting we may be making progress. Two veterinarians out of the nine I mailed responded by telephone with ideas and I'm hoping one or more will have breakfast with us and work with us to fix this problem. I'm planning to call any office that has not answered, too.
Here is what one vet said:
1. emergency care is a board-certified specialty so pets get better care if we go to Medford or Redding.
2. an on-call vet often will not be able to get staff to come in which means he or she has to do all the monitoring as well as the procedures. Result can be a lower level of care.
3. very hard on the doctor's health; blood pressure goes up every time the phone rings so they avoid being around a phone.
4. 40% didn't pay the bill compared with 1 or 2% in regular practice.

Valid points. Can any of you readers come back? For instance would any veterinarian here consider getting that emergency care certification? (but would our population support the specialty practice? That's why we don't have brain surgeons here).

More to the point would you please talk to your vet about this meeting and this issue? We need their help to fix it.

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