Monday, February 15, 2010


So you've been here, right? The computer is getting slow. You can't do X, Y, or Z which (of course) MUST be done in order to "complete the transaction". In our line of work it is becoming necessary for example to scan documents and email them to clients. So we learned how to do that. Took awhile, but we got there.

But it turns out that some companies don't want you to send each page as a separate attachment. There is a format called PDF which allows the sender to save a bunch of scanned pages into ONE document so that the recipient can just scroll down and see (and print) all pages in one view.

This (of course) requires special software called Adobe Acrobat . . . $399 per at last look.

So since we have 8 year old (and cheap) PC's let's get up to speed, right? We already have perfectly functional flat screens and wireless keyboards so all we needed was new towers. Off we go into the nah-nah land of computer-speak. Fortunately we tied in with a local company which helped us research what model to buy and what software (Microsoft Office 2007) to add.

The PC's came on Thursday and we have been learning Windows 7 and Microsoft Office 2007 ever since. Trying to match our existing programs (not to mention email) has been . . . hmmm . . . challenging. Very little is similar and I get the feeling the little uber-nerds who invent this stuff are playing at being clever rather than looking for simple ways to do things.

Now we are faster and capable of more cyber gymnastics than ever. Of course the screen resolution is tiny now so as to accommodate all those new icons and our eyes get worn out sooner. Sigh.

1 comment:

John Soares said...

Hello Bruce,

John Soares here, fellow Lake Shastina resident.

There are free programs that allow you to create PDF files. I use PrimoPDF by Nitro. You can download it from

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