Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The Black Ice Curve

There are several black ice curves on Big Springs Road of course but possibly the most traveled (and most graveled) one is just 1/2 mile from highway 97. Coming to Lake Shastina it's downhill and most of us hit it way too fast, having to hit the brakes as we realize what's happening.

But it goes the other way, too. As an uphill we are on the pedal and don't always appreciate the temperature. Cinders and de-icer notwithstanding cars leave the roadway against their driver's will. Sally saw one upside down off to the right just last Sunday.

And it seems we don't learn. We're late. We're in a hurry. We're on the phone.

But the ice waits and doesn't care what we think so pay nature it's due and back off that pedal.

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