Friday, September 26, 2008

Mountain Lion Reports in Lake Shastina

A neighbor told us this morning as we were walking the doggies that one of these animals had been spotted here in our neighborhood and that large cat tracks had been seen after the sighting. This is the second time I've heard about pumas as they are also called in Lake Shastina. The other incident was on Indian Hill but as I understand it only scat was found at the scene.

This time however the neighbor said a lion kill was found on Zen Mountain. It was a deer she said but if combined with the tracks and sighting here in Unit 7-3 some precautions are in order. For one, these cats like any predator, target the easiest prey; newborn deer, housecats and dogs, sick or injured animals. So if you have a cat that is outdoors at night you might keep this in mind.

We for example keep two of our dogs in the garage at night but they can go out through a doggie door to do their business. We'll block the door now, at least until we hear from some more news about this series of event.

If any readers can contribute to this story please email me.


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