Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Blank Space on my Desk

What an interesting thing. We live on our PC's not for entertainment, but the internet is our connection with our real estate business world. Without email and the MLS we are out of action.

So the other day my monitor died. After fruitless attempts to revive it I called the local repair stores and narrowed the problem down to the AC converter, that little black device on the power cord between the wall outlet and the monitor which converts 110 volt AC power to 12 volt DC which the monitor runs on. The tech put a volt meter to it an it was delivering about 9-1/2 volts DC, not enough to do the job.

So we ordered a new one which will be here anytime now but the point of this story is how odd it feels to sit at my desk and stare at . . . nothing. It is a reality check to realize how useless computers are without a monitor. And how helpless we are without them. Seems obvious but turn yours off and try to "function".

Of course it's different if you depend on them for a paycheck as we do. We don't do movies, music, or Facebook. It's all nuts and bolts business software and it feels really bizarre to not be able to see it, that is.

But help is due any day. The converter should be in tomorrow. If I don't get the call though I think the withdrawal symptoms will get worse . . .

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