Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Comfort Food

Winter is the perfect time for this kind of food and in fact we own a crock pot for this purpose . . . something is leaking that mom's-cooking aroma into the house all day long. There are endless choices but my call (after mac and cheese) is a chicken pot pie.

Which is of course bad for you in multiple ways ___ the pastry crust alone is probably illegal in some countries ___ but anything that tastes this good just defies the definition of 'bad'.

I mean look at England where the idea started. Their meat pies are world-renown and for good reason. When the weather is cold and drippy who wants avocado and sprouts in a sandwich? Or in a salad for that matter. Give me a break.

You can even buy microwavable pot pies in the grocery for as little as a buck. Now, in these hard times shouldn't we perhaps cut a little slack with the nutrition obsession thing? I mean, where can you get a hot meal with meat, veggies, cereal grains, and gravy of uncertain origin for a measly buck?

And even more importantly, factor in how neat it smells and feels on a cold winter day! Yes, my loyal readers, Swanson should rank right up there with Pasteur and Edison, for we have at last a portable, affordable tummy-warmer to ward off the uncertainties and chill of winter days. Not to mention the uncertain economy.

(Chicken soup is good, too. Costco makes it out of their unsold rotisserie chicken for $9 something a quart (maybe more, not sure). It'll feed you for a week.)

Posted by a hopelessly lazy cook.

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