Saturday, February 20, 2010

Comfort Food

Sadly the many tasty dishes my mother used to make are now determined to be not good for us. I grew up back east where cod cakes were a staple (minced codfish fried in batter) and fin and haddie (a cream sauce with smoked haddock and pearl onions) was a Sunday treat. Way too much cholesterol, saturated fats, salt, and other dietary villans too difficult to spell.

But gosh, did it all taste good.

So my adorable daughter in Seattle comes through. She takes after Sally and is a gourmet cook who grabs incredible recipies off the web and sends one for homemade chicken pot pie ( It is of course full of nutritious stuff and sinfully delicious. I know this because we're having it for dinner tonight and have suffered through an entire day of it's baking aroma.

Sally said it was labor intensive despite the fact that one can now buy ready-made dough for the crust but all fresh ingredients, unlike the 99 cent Swanson variety I used to sneak into the shopping cart back in the day.


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