Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Doggie Pre-Wash, Going Green

I heard somewhere, sometime that dogs help heal their own wounds by licking them. If true might there be some heretofore undiscovered sanitary ingredient in dog spit that can benefit mankind? Then I read that it's wasteful to rinse dishes before putting them in the dishwasher......... then, aha!

Spot can do the pre-wash for you!! Not only does he gain the joy of pleasing his master but, if one can believe the holistic articles on pet diets, he can gain substantive nutritional value by disposing of limp salad, soggy peas, and other leftovers that really look disgusting in the refrigerator the next day.

This must be what they mean by "going green", right? No only do we ourselves save time and hot water but we benefit our pets both emotionally and nutritionally. Wow, I can do this!

(No author name for obvious reasons)

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