Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Paul Allen's Flying Heritage Collection in Seattle

There is a brand new museum at Paine Field in Everett, WA where the Boeing factory is and I got a chance to visit with my son-in-law last week (Sally just yawned and asked for the keys to the car and the credit card. She and our daughter had a sudden shopping urge come upon them).

The operative word in the name is "Flying" because unlike most warbird displays, they actually fly these airplanes every other weekend. I didn't get to see that part as we left mid-week but if you check www.flyingheritage.com you can explore the various flying dates.

The P-51 shown is one of 15 fully functional warbirds from the U.S., Britain, Russia, Japan, and Germany. Only one, the Focke Wulf Fw 190D-13 Dora, is not flown as it is the last of its kind and just too valuable, but they fly a rotating pair of the others every other weekend so if you're going up that way give them a call (877)342-3404) because it'd be well worth it to make your visit coincide with their flying dates and times.

Admission is twelve bucks (or ten if you get carded a senior as I mistakenly was)and many of the volunteers either are veterans themselves or knew one and are very well informed. Of course if you do go be sure to go to the opposite end of Paine Field and take in Boeing's 787 factory and their museum, too!

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