Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Problems with Joe

By now most of us have learned that he's not really a licensed plumber, that his real name isn't Joe, and that he hasn't paid some of his state income taxes; this latter being a little bit embarassing given that he was accusing Obama of raising his taxes.

The accusation itself is a little shakey, too; he evidently wanted to buy a plumbing business that apparently would cost more than the $250,000 tax "floor" that Obama is proposing and somehow is confused that he would be paying taxes on that purchase. But as we all painfully know, income tax is based on just that __ income. And net income at that, meaning what you take in less your expenses in the case of a business.

To buy a business for say, $500,000 and take home after all the overhead costs $500,000 in the same year is an investor's dream and even if Joe had borrowed to do this, he'd be able to pay off a vast majority of the loan in the first year. Darned few people can ever hope to do something that fantastical. T. Boone Pickens or Warren Buffet maybe but not the average Joe.

A lunch room conversation brought up a more bothersome speculation, though: was Joe "planted" by McCain's team to embarass Obama and score votes for McCain? Given some of the just plain ugly tactics seen lately by regional GOP campaign teams (in San Bernadino County Obama was pictured on a $10 food stamp holding a bucket of fried chicken, a rack of barbequed ribs, and a watermelon), I wonder if the suspicion that some wild-hair Republican in Joe's GOP area may have influenced Joe to do this.

Stay tuned.

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