Monday, October 20, 2008

Saving Water

Our general manager Jamie Lea recently urged us all to conserve water because our sewer ponds had reached their designed capacity. Evidently things are in the works to expand or improve them but until that happens we all need to run less water down the drain and I'd like to hear more ideas of how to do that from readers.

Here's one I saw recently to get the ball rolling:

When running the tub or shower to get warm water, put a plastic bucket under the stream and collect the water until it is hot enough for your use. The saved water can be used on plants, for your pets, or for an endless list of other things.

We've heard that tubs use more water than showers so if you try this in a tub you probably will collect more than I did when I tried this in the shower. We have one of those limiter shower heads that restricts the flow to 1.5 gpm so I maybe got a gallon before it turned hot.

And of course the head is high up on the shower wall so much was missed but if everybody did that in our county that's what, 45,000 gallons a day?

Anyway, I'd like to hear from you. There are plenty of easy, practical things each of us can do to conserve water.


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