Thursday, February 7, 2008

B-17 Crash Near Truck Village in the 40's

My friend Will Bullington and I were chatting about the history of the old county airport north of Montague and how it was originally built to assist bombers in distress during WWII and he mentioned that his parents had told him about a B-17 that went down by Truck Village in Mt. Shasta during the war and started a forest fire, causing the area to be mostly brush to this day.

Intrigued, I went to the museum in Yreka but was unable to find any record of the incident. I have calls in to archival experts at both the USFS and CDF and will post comments to this story when I learn more but in the meantime is there anyone out there with any knowledge of this crash? Perhaps retired firefighters or residents of the Truck Village area? Or even parents and seniors who were in the area then?

Will said residents were calling the Sheriff's Department for some time afterward with recoverd parts of wreckage, even 50 caliber ammo so there may even be some artifacts here in our community in somebody's attic!

Please comment if you know anything.


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