Sunday, February 10, 2008

Strength in Numbers

My husband and I had lived in Yreka for over 35 years. Most recently we lived on a street (area) that had begun to deteriorate and the disheveled conditions of vehicles, trash in the front, miscellaneous articles littering the front yard were all to common place.

I agreed to move to Lake Shastina primarily due to the CC and R's and the assumption that they would be addressed and enforced consequentially eliminating the type of neighborhood we were about to leave.

The reality that the rules are not always enforced has been a very real source of frustration, disappointment and anxiety to me. I can easily produce photographs if anyone desires, of house after house out of compliance. I refer to ARTICLE VIII Use of Property and Restrictions, specifically Section 8.8 Garbage, and, Section 8.9 Storage. These sections are frequently referred to as "street scene".

I'm not sure who reads these posts as this is my first experience with this site. If anyone else has the same concerns maybe we could team up and approach the Association. There being "strength in numbers" I feel credence would be given to a number larger than one.

Thank you,

JoAnn Michael

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