Monday, February 11, 2008

The B-17 Mystery Grows

Bob Gray saw the wreck site from the air and Jim Kottinger saw it on the ground. He even has an oil pressure guage from the wreckage. So why can't we find a news story in the local papers? Dennis Freeman, the main man at the COS library searched all the paper archives for "bomber" and came up empty. If Dennis can't find it nobody can.

So did this crash happen or not? I've queried the National Archives, the Air Force Historical Society, the Mt. Shasta Herald, the Siskiyou Daily News, Smithsonian Air & Space Museum, the Sisson Museum, the State of Jefferson Historical Society, and of course the ultimate authority . . . . Google!

How can you have two eyewitnesses and no printed record? According to Bob Gray the aircraft went in just north of where old Highway 99 crossed the SP tracks. About where Skinners Truck Repair is now.

And even more intriguing, Jim Kottinger thinks the pilot knew about a small dirt air strip just off Deetz Road (covered over now by Plum Rd.) and just didn't have enough altitude to reach it.

Facinating stuff. Two crewmen died. And nobody wrote about it????

Does anybody out there know anything about this?


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