Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Having Fun

This is great. We have room to plant a garden and don't want to spend a month's wages to do it. Raised beds seem smart so I grabbed some useless 2 x 6 cedar T & G that we had "saved" from our home in Mt. Shasta and stacked them. No nails needed. Adding some old angle iron stakes to stabilize we filled the boxes with 1/4 native dirt, 1/4 from our compost pile, 1/4 top soil that we had hauled in, and 1/4 soil conditioner from the mill.

How good can it get? So the next issue is deer, of which we have plenty. We found a vinyl net at Ace in Mt. Shasta . . . 7 feet tall by 100 feet long. So we bought some six foot U-shaped metal stakes which we pounded in 18 inches. Then, ripping some trash 2x4's that I got free at the landfill, I screwed them into the metal stakes to achieve a seven foot tall structure for our netting.

I tied the netting onto the wood stakes with string and added orange flagging tape to the netting between the (8 foot spaced) stakes so the deer could see it more clearly.

The neat thing about this garden arena is that we can run rope or baling wire from post to post around the perimeter and across the area from which we can hang bird feeders or flowering plants. Since the upmost parts of the "fence" are wood members we can also hang things from them using brackets.

It's nice to do stuff like this without spending much money. Which is good because the lettuce will come in at $3 a head if I factor in all the parts and labor . . .

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