Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sunday Movies

Netflix is becoming helpful. We work from home and, silly as it seems, have less time off than when we were in an office with what they call floor time. That means sitting at a desk answering the phone and greeting customers who walk in. The phone quit ringing and people quit buying over a year ago and "floor time" became a dinosaur. Many offices are now letting their agents work from home which is where I was headed with this in the first place.

I get up early and am far more sparky in the AM so I check email, write addendums, and other stuff hours before civilized people go to work. And that's where it started.

I thought 9 to 5 was hard but for reasons still unclear I'm working more hours and more days here at my comfy home than I ever did at the office. I jump up from dinner to grab a call instead of leaving the phone to take a message. I "pack" if I go to the backyard to mow the lawn. I'm careful to carry my cell if I drive to town.

At least the phone stays out of the bathroom.

But the reality is we're working more hours from home than we ever did at the office. I realize working from home is a trend and I thought, a liberating one. You know, cast off the shackles of 9 to 5 and just you know, loosen up.

This is not true. Maybe it's just me but the work ethic, work habit seem to pre-dominate and we are both putting in more time and anxiety than before.


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