Thursday, March 20, 2008

B-24 stories are archived now

My daughter taught me how to "label" all the B-24 articles so that some one can keep up with the project and not miss new stories. Just look to the right under "Labels" and you'll see "local aviation (7)" and if you click on it the seven stories we have so far will come up.

This is number 8 actually; I'm calling for a dig and metal detector sweep of the site on Saturday April 5 for anyone interested in joining me. We'll meet here at my house (5225 Muskrat Rd.) at 9 am to plan because there are some things we can do wrong that will not only damage the site but desecrate a spot where six men lost their lives and we need to talk about some preventative steps we must take.

For example I will try to gather some wire flags, the kind they plant to mark buried irrigation lines so we can mark where artifacts were found. Then we'll need a grid to illustrate the finds, both on paper and on the ground. So I'll bring some stakes and string and flagging as well.

If you are interested and can bring either a camera or metal detector, please give me a call at 938-0385 and we'll get organized.


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Bruce Batchelder, Editor