Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Got Turkey !

For several months we have enjoyed watching a wild turkey in our neighborhood (Unit 7-3, Muskrat Rd. in Lake Shastina). We think it's a hen but we're not sure and I'm waiting for our neighbor Larry Harrison who is retired DFG to return from his annual 3 month winter sojourn in Mexico (which is another story) to ask.

Anyway, she wanders all over the 'hood pecking and scratching everybody's front and back yards, almost oblivious to people and dogs. Neck straight up, she'll keep an eye on you and if chased, she'll trot away and lift off out of harm's way.

So, that's cool. She even visited over Thanksgiving which upped my estimation of her chutzpah.

Larry had told me that DFG had planted some turkeys out by Hoy Road years ago and that this lady might be a remanent of that seeding. So it came as a great surprise this morning to see 8 or 10 of the birds in a group outside the fence.

Our loyal sheltie Oliver, of course had to dash over to the fence to protect us from them which threw them into flight but the upshot is that our original bird was not the solitary remenant that we thought. There are more of them and they are a treat to see.

I will try to shoot a picture next time.


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