Saturday, March 22, 2008

CC&R Corner

CC&R Corner

By Will Bullington, CC&R Compliance Officer

April 2008

As I write this article spring is in the air, but I’ve lived in Siskiyou County long enough to know that we will probably see a few more snow storms and cold nights. I also know that if you don’t like the weather here just wait five minutes are drive five miles and it will change. I see people out cleaning their yards, washing their cars, and making our community look great.

I remember an elderly gentleman that got so tired of the newspapers being thrown in his yard that he called the paper to ask them to stop putting them in his driveway. He was politely told that they would let the carrier know. A few months went by and the papers had stopped. Suddenly they re-appeared. He called the paper and was told they had a new carrier that didn’t get the news, and they would tell the new carrier. This never happened and the papers would land in his driveway, so he threw them into the street. Cars ran it over and the paper exploded with papers blowing everywhere, especially into his yard. The man began his own private war with the paper. He started collecting them and then every time he was in town he would throw them onto the front of the newspaper office. He would even go out of his way to collect them from others driveways that were obviously out of town, part time owners, etc. He would wait until he had about 30 papers and go by the paper office when they were closed and not there (after all that’s what they did to him) and he would pile them up next to the door. He thought this was great fun.

I thought the story was kind of humorous but also thought that this guy needs a hobby or something. I started paying attention though, and noticed that there are people that don’t want a certain paper, or none, thrown in their yard. I called both papers that delivered free newspapers and was told all you have to do is call. So in the spirit of spring clean up I’ll pass on the information. The Shastina News is published by the Siskiyou Daily News so call them at 842-5777. The In the Spotlight is published by the Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers, call Dave Reynolds at 926-5214.

Do you have an appliance, car you don’t want, or an older large satellite dish? Black Butte Towing will pick these items up for free anywhere in Siskiyou County. Call them at 938-1110 and they will take it to their crusher and recycle it. Make Al Gore smile and your neighbors cheer.

The burn site is open the first and third Saturdays of the month (weather permitting), closed on July 5th. They are staffed by volunteers from 9 A.M. to noon, and we are always looking for volunteers. Call 938-3281.

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